Have you heard about Nuru massage but aren’t quite sure what it is? You’re not alone! Nuru massage is still relatively new in massage therapy, so many people don’t know much about this unique and sensual technique.

In this blog post, I’ll thoroughly explain what Nuru massage is all about. We’ll cover what makes it different from other types of massage, what the Nuru gel is and how it’s used, what happens during a Nuru massage session, and the benefits you can get from this intensely relaxing and intimate massage experience.

By the end of this post, you’ll understand exactly what Nuru massage is, why people get it, and how to decide if it might be right for you. So slip into something comfortable, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Nuru! After reading this, I promise you’ll look at massage in a whole new light.

Brief History and Origin of Nuru Massage

To truly appreciate the nuances of Nuru massage, it’s essential to understand its deep-rooted history. In Kawasaki, Japan’s vibrant and bustling streets, Nuru massage found its inception. Originating as a part of the Japanese adult entertainment industry around the 1960s, it was an innovation born out of necessity and creativity during a time of stringent regulations.

The word “Nuru” in Japanese signifies “slippery” or “smooth,” giving a hint about the nature of this message. Utilizing a distinctive slippery gel made from Nori seaweed, this massage offered a new dimension to sensual experiences. The gel not only enhanced the physical connection but also helped in forging a deeper emotional bond, turning the entire process into a holistic experience.

Person receiving relaxing massage while lying on their back as the masseuse uses long strokes

Through time, this massage technique has refined and expanded to include an emphasis on connection, relaxation, and mutual respect between the therapist and the client. It’s not merely a physical endeavor but a dance of energies, nurturing both the body and the soul.

Now, you might wonder why nuru massage has suddenly caught the fancy of so many around the world.

Well, in this fast-paced world where physical touch often takes a backseat, the Nuru massage emerges as a beacon of intimacy and relaxation.

Moreover, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness and appreciation for holistic wellness, and massages, particularly Nuru massage, fit right into this trend.

Moreover, people are now more open to exploring their sensuality, breaking free from the shackles of conventional norms. The Nuru massage offers a space where individuals can explore and connect on a deeper level, all while indulging in an experience that soothes the muscles and calms the mind.

In addition, as a massage therapist, I’ve seen firsthand the kind of rejuvenation and vitality it can bring to individuals. The entire experience is curated to not just relax your body but also to ignite a spark of joy and passion that often gets dulled in the daily grind of life.

Other Popularity Factors

And let’s not forget the power of social media and influencers in catapulting the popularity of Nuru massage to greater heights. From celebrity endorsements to viral online videos showcasing the blissful experience of a Nuru massage, the world seems to have embraced this Japanese art with open arms and an open heart.

In a nutshell, the growing popularity of Nuru massage can be attributed to its perfect blend of sensual pleasure and holistic well-being, offering a sanctuary of bliss and tranquility in the midst of our hectic lives.

So, whether you’re someone looking to spice up your life with a dash of excitement or someone seeking a haven of relaxation, the Nuru massage stands as a glowing testament to the healing power of touch, combined with a sprinkle of exhilaration. And believe me, once you try it, there’s no going back!

What is Nuru Massage?

It’s the burning question! The whispers around town, the hushed conversations at the spa, everyone’s talking about Nuru massage. But what’s it all about? Let’s demystify this sensational massage technique that’s taken the world by storm.

Definition and Characteristics

Nuru, when translated from its native Japanese, means “slippery” or “smooth,” and the massage reflects its name. At its core, a Nuru massage is a full-body-to-body sensual massage that connects the masseuse and the recipient in a close, intimate bond facilitated by the ultra-slick Nuru gel.

Made primarily from Nori seaweed, the gel used in Nuru massages is a wonder. It’s transparent, tasteless, and extraordinarily slippery – creating the perfect base for this type of massage. Applying to the skin provides an almost weightless barrier, allowing for free and fluid movement between the therapist and the client.

Overhead view of a Nuru massage table set up with soft blankets, candles, and bottle of Nuru gel

One of the defining characteristics of a Nuru massage is the deep sense of intimacy and connection it fosters. It’s not just about the physical touch but also the emotional bond it nurtures. As a massage therapist, I’ve found that Nuru massages allow me to connect with my clients on a level that’s often profound and deeply transformative.

Differentiating Nuru from Other Types of Massages

Alright, let’s break it down a bit. With so many types of massages out there – Swedish, deep tissue, Thai – how does one differentiate Nuru from the lot?

1. The Gel: Unlike other massages that use oils or lotions, Nuru massage is characterized by using the special Nuru gel. This gel creates a unique tactile sensation unlike anything you’d experience in other massages.

2. Full Body Contact: While many massages focus on hands and occasionally elbows to knead out tension and knots, Nuru takes a holistic approach. The therapists uses their entire body to massage the client. This body-to-body contact elevates the massage experience to a whole new level of intimacy and relaxation.

3. Sensual Undertones: Let’s not beat around the bush. Nuru massages are inherently more sensual in nature compared to other massages. It’s about celebrating the human connection, understanding the nuances of touch, and merging relaxation with pleasure.

4. The Setting: A Nuru massage often requires a specific setting – usually a waterproof sheet or mattress, given the copious amounts of gel. This contrasts with other massages that can be performed on regular massage tables.

5. The Dance of Energies: Nuru isn’t just about the physicality of the massage; it’s a dance of energies. It encourages the therapist and client to be in sync and move together in a rhythm, making it a deeply shared experience.

So, in essence, Nuru massage is more than just a massage; it’s an experience, a journey. It’s about recognizing the power of touch, celebrating human connection, and elevating relaxation to an art form.

Woman receiving Nuru massage lying on her stomach with masseuse pouring Nuru gel on her back

The Benefits of Nuru Massage

Where do I even begin? You see when you delve into the world of Nuru massage, you’re not just signing up for an hour of relaxation; you’re embarking on a journey that promises a trove of physical and emotional benefits.

It’s like a little getaway for your mind, body, and soul, wrapped up in the comforting embrace of a trained therapist. From revitalizing your muscles to nurturing your emotional well-being, Nuru massage has delightful benefits that transcend the massage room. Allow me to walk you through this garden of wonders:

1- Physical Benefits

Muscle Relaxation and Tension Release

We’ve all been there – that nagging neck pain, the stubborn lower backache, or the tension that builds up in our shoulders. Life, with all its hustle and bustle, can really put a strain on our bodies.

Step in, Nuru massage! You see, the complete body-to-body contact in a Nuru massage works wonders in kneading out those nasty knots and tense spots.

What’s more, the warm, silky Nuru gel aids in making the movements smoother, letting therapists glide across your body effortlessly, releasing the pent-up tension and helping the muscles to relax.

It’s like giving your body a mini-vacation, freeing it from the clutches of stiffness and aches. Ah, just thinking about how it makes me feel more relaxed!

Improving Circulation and Skin Health

But the goodness of Nuru massage doesn’t just stop at relaxation. No, it goes way beyond that. The massage works in beautiful harmony with the gel to stimulate blood circulation throughout the body. Imagine the nutrient-rich blood flowing smoothly, reaching every nook and cranny, rejuvenating your entire system.

Not to forget, the Nuru gel itself is a treasure trove of skin benefits. Made from Nori seaweed, it is chock-full of minerals and nutrients that pamper your skin, leaving it soft, supple, and glowing. It’s like getting a facial for your whole body, revealing a more radiant you!

2- Emotional and Mental Benefits

Stress Reduction and Mental Relaxation

In the midst of our hectic lives, our minds often become the breeding ground for stress and anxiety. It seems like a never-ending cycle, doesn’t it?

Well, here’s where the Nuru massage steps in as your knight in shining armor, fighting off the demons of stress and bringing tranquility to your mind.

The gentle, rhythmic movements of a Nuru massage can help calm the chaos in your head, giving you a serene space to unwind and relax. It’s akin to a gentle lullaby for your mind, allowing it to drift into a state of peace and relaxation, far away from the noises of the outside world.

3- Enhancing Intimacy and Connection

But hey, it’s not all about physical relief, you know. Nuru massage holds a special place in nurturing the emotional and mental aspects of an individual. Through the intimate nature of the massage, it fosters a deep connection between the therapist and the client.

As a massage therapist, I find it wonderful to witness the barriers melting away, making room for a warm, nurturing connection that feeds the soul. This connection can even transcend beyond the massage room, helping individuals open up to intimacy and connection in their personal lives, cultivating relationships that are rich and fulfilling.

Absolutely, I’d be happy to provide you with detailed answers to these questions about Nuru Massage.

Is there sex in Nuru massage?

It is a sensual and erotic massage technique that involves body-to-body contact using a special type of gel. While it does have a sensual aspect, it’s important to clarify that Nuru massage itself does not necessarily include explicit sexual activities.

The primary focus of Nuru massage is to provide a deeply relaxing and intimate experience through the use of gliding and sliding motions between the client’s and masseuse’s bodies.

The intention is to enhance connection, relaxation, and arousal, but the level of intimacy involved can vary depending on individual preferences and boundaries.

Masseuse gently gliding her Nuru gel covered arms across a client's back during an intimate massage

It’s important to note that the boundaries of a Nuru massage session should be discussed and agreed upon beforehand between the client and the practitioner. Clear communication is crucial to ensure that both parties have a shared understanding of what will and will not be included in the session.

If a Nuru massage session progresses into explicit sexual activities, it would likely cross ethical and legal boundaries, and it’s essential to respect the laws and regulations in the area where the massage is being offered. Ensure to check out the legality of the Nuru Massages in your State or Country.

Is it Safe for Your Health?

Nuru massage, when conducted in a professional and hygienic setting, can be safe for most individuals.

However, as with any massage or bodywork technique, there are important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Choose a Reputable Establishment: It’s crucial to seek out reputable and licensed massage establishments that adhere to hygiene and safety protocols. Licensed therapists who are experienced in offering Nuru massage will prioritize your safety and well-being.
  • Allergies and Sensitivities: The Nuru massage gel used can contain certain ingredients that individuals might be allergic to. Before the session, it’s recommended to inform the practitioner about any allergies or sensitivities you have to ensure the gel used is safe for you.
  • Health Conditions: If you have any pre-existing health conditions, it’s wise to consult with your healthcare provider before getting a Nuru massage or any other form of massage therapy. They can advise you on whether the massage is suitable for your specific health needs.
  • Boundaries and Consent: As I mentioned earlier, open communication and clear consent are essential. Discuss your boundaries and preferences with the practitioner before the massage to ensure that the session aligns with your comfort level.
  • Personal Hygiene: Practitioners will typically request that clients shower before the massage to maintain hygiene standards.

So, it can be a safe and enjoyable experience when conducted within a professional and ethical context. Ensuring you choose a reputable establishment and communicating openly with the practitioner will help create a positive and safe experience for you.

Final Thoughts on What is Nuru Massage

In Short, From giving your muscles the love and attention they deserve to nurture your emotional well-being, the benefits of Nuru massage are truly multifaceted. So, why not give it a shot? Step into a world of tranquility, connection, and bliss. You owe it to yourself!

But hey, don’t just take my word for it! I wholeheartedly invite you to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Nuru massage. Whether you’re seeking a sanctuary of relaxation or a journey of rediscovering intimacy, a Nuru massage session awaits to unfold its wonders to you.

It’s more than just a massage; it’s a celebration of human connection and the magical harmony of mind, body, and spirit. So go ahead, treat yourself to a session, and let the waves of relaxation and pleasure wash over you. I promise it’s an experience that will linger in your heart and soul, urging you to come back for more.


What exactly is Nuru gel made of?

Primarily made from Nori seaweed, Nuru gel is a transparent, odorless, and incredibly slippery substance that adds an exquisite dimension to the massage.

Is Nuru massage suitable for everyone?

While it is a blissful experience, it might not be suitable for everyone. It is always best to consult with a trained therapist (like myself) to determine if it’s the right fit for you, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Is it possible to incorporate Nuru massage into couples therapy?

Absolutely! In fact, it can be a fantastic way to deepen intimacy and explore new dimensions of connection in a relationship. It fosters mutual respect and understanding, adding spice to the relationship.

Of course, the world of Nuru massage is vast, and there might be queries still bubbling in your mind. I encourage you to reach out with any further questions or concerns. Your curiosity is most welcome here! Feel free to drop your questions in the comments below or contact me personally. Remember, no question is too small or silly.

So, as we bid farewell to this enlightening journey, I leave you with an open invitation to explore the beautiful world of Nuru massage. Who knows, it might just be the magical escapade you’ve yearned for!

1- An Ultimate Guide to Techniques and The Processes of Nuru Massage

2- What Happens During Nuru Massage Sessions

3- Is Nuru Massage Legal in your State or Country?

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